今年4月,广东省市场局(原省食药监局)通告在南沙自贸片区实施进口非特殊用途化妆品备案试点,将原本由总局审批的事权到自贸区备案,办事更贴近企业,手续更加精简。At the launching ceremony of the "2018 Amway Nutrilite Nutrition Health Caran", Mr. Cao Yiming, Deputy Director of Amway Market Development, said: "Amway Nutrilite is the global leader in nutritional supplements. Since the day it was born more than 80 years ago, it has focused on The nutritional indicators and health level of the masses. Over 80 years he passed, people's understanding of health, and even the definition of health, are constantly changing. Now this era is an era of value, so health does not only need a health There must be a fit body."